Here's to a good weekend!
You're participating in a contest that is having you guess the number of beans in a small jar. As you're trying to guess an informant comes up to you with some secret information. There have been guesses of 45, 41, 55, 50, and 43, but no one has won. The guesses were off by 7, 7, 5, 3, and 2 (in no particular order). Using this information how can you win the contest?
Hopeful - 10 years, 4 months ago
2 common gaps is 7. Just have to find out 2 different guesses that have a gap of 14 - in this case 41, 55. Adding/subtracting 7 to either will yield 48.
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Michael Clyne - 10 years, 4 months ago
Two of the guesses were off by 7. Find the two numbers that are off by 14 (41, 55) and subtract 7 from the larger (or add 7 to the smaller) to give us 48 beans.
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