Muspi Merol or Lorem Ipsum is a tool used to generate dummy text which can be helpful for development purposes. Our goal today is to create a dummy text generation machine. The only input your program should take in is how many paragraphs to output. Outputting random text is fairly easy so to make this more fun our tool needs to produce somewhat authentic looking text. In order to do this our tool must follow these rules:
- The first two words must be "Muspi Merol"
- All sentences must begin with a capital letter
- Words are between 1 and 10 characters
- Sentences are between 3 and 14 words
- Paragraphs are between 3 and 6 sentences
- Bonus: p, o, t, d are the vowels for our generator so they should appear more often than other letters
- Bonus: Lines should be no longer than 80 characters. Place new line characters before a line gets to 80 characters and make sure to not to cut off a word.
z - 10 years, 9 months ago
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Anonymous - 10 years, 9 months ago
Pretty verbose Java solution, not fulfilling the bonus problem number one.
There is a lot of duplication in this code. Anybody want to suggest a design pattern that would make this code terser?
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Max Burstein - 10 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for posting! My Javafu isn't too strong but your code looks pretty much like what I was expecting.
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Anonymous - 10 years, 9 months ago
Perl with bonuses. Could use some cleanup but it's readable. <code><pre> #!/usr/bin/perl
use strict; use warnings;
my $flag = 0; my @letter_table = (); my $column_width = 80; my $paragraphs = $ARGV[0]; my $output = "";
sub create_letter_table { @letter_table = ("a".."z"); push(@letter_table,"p") foreach (1..3); push(@letter_table,"o") foreach (1..5); push(@letter_table,"t") foreach (1..4); push(@letter_table,"d") foreach (1..3); }
sub create_word { $flag++; my $word_string = ""; my $word_len = int(rand(9))+1; my $letter = ""; for(my $i=0 ; $i<$word_len ; $i++) { $letter = ""; $letter = $letter_table[int(rand(scalar @letter_table))]; $word_string = $word_string . $letter; } if($flag == 1) { return "Muspi"; } if($flag == 2) { return "Merol"; } return $word_string; }
sub create_sentance { my $sentance = ""; my $word = ucfirst(create_word()); $sentance = $word." "; my $sentance_len = int(rand(12)+2); for( my $i=0 ; $i<$sentance_len ; $i++ ) { $word = create_word(); $sentance = $sentance . $word . " "; } $sentance =~ s/ $/./; return $sentance; }
sub create_paragraph { my $paragraph = ""; my $num_of_sentances = int(rand(4))+3; for (my $j=0 ; $j < $num_of_sentances ; $j++ ) { my $sentance_string=create_sentance(); $paragraph = $paragraph . $sentance_string . " "; }
} </pre></code>
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Anonymous - 10 years, 9 months ago
Let's try that again ``` #!/usr/bin/perl
use strict; use warnings;
my $flag = 0; my @letter_table = (); my $column_width = 80; my $paragraphs = $ARGV[0]; my $output = "";
sub create_letter_table { @letter_table = ("a".."z"); push(@letter_table,"p") foreach (1..3); push(@letter_table,"o") foreach (1..5); push(@letter_table,"t") foreach (1..4); push(@letter_table,"d") foreach (1..3); }
sub create_word { $flag++; my $word_string = ""; my $word_len = int(rand(9))+1; my $letter = ""; for(my $i=0 ; $i<$word_len ; $i++) { $letter = ""; $letter = $letter_table[int(rand(scalar @letter_table))]; $word_string = $word_string . $letter; } if($flag == 1) { return "Muspi"; } if($flag == 2) { return "Merol"; } return $word_string; }
sub create_sentance { my $sentance = ""; my $word = ucfirst(create_word()); $sentance = $word." "; my $sentance_len = int(rand(12)+2); for( my $i=0 ; $i<$sentance_len ; $i++ ) { $word = create_word(); $sentance = $sentance . $word . " "; } $sentance =~ s/ $/./; return $sentance; }
sub create_paragraph { my $paragraph = ""; my $num_of_sentances = int(rand(4))+3; for (my $j=0 ; $j < $num_of_sentances ; $j++ ) { my $sentance_string=create_sentance(); $paragraph = $paragraph . $sentance_string . " "; }
create_letter_table(); for (my $i=0 ; $i<$paragraphs ; $i++) { $output = $output . create_paragraph() ."\n\n"; } print $output; ```
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Max Burstein - 10 years, 9 months ago
Sorry for your troubles. You need a new line after the first set of backtacks and before the last ones. It looks like you have the backticks on the same lines as your code.
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stefan - 10 years, 9 months ago
import random, string
voweldic = list(string.ascii_lowercase)+["p","p","o","o","t","t","d","d"] lc = 0
def main(): #lc = 0 par_no = int(raw_input("How many paragraphs do you like? ")) #print range(par_no) for i in range(par_no): print "Paragraph",i+1 print genPar()
def genPar(): global lc par_length = random.randint(3,6) par = "Muspi Merol" lc = len(par) for sent in range(par_length): par = par + genSent() par = par + "\n" return par
def genSent(): global lc sent_length = random.randint(3,14) #generate sentence sent = genWord() sent = sent[0].upper() + sent[1:] for words in range(sent_length-1): sent = sent + " " + genWord()
def genWord(): global lc word_length = random.randint(1,10) final_word = "" for i in range(word_length): final_word = final_word + random.choice(voweldic)
if name == 'main': main()
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Anonymous - 10 years, 9 months ago
''' hai '''
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Juan José Sisti - 10 years, 9 months ago
Php, Bonus 1 not implemented.
<?php /* Muspi Merol
Muspi Merol or Lorem Ipsum is a tool used to generate dummy text which can be helpful for development purposes. Our goal today is to create a dummy text generation machine. The only input your program should take in is how many paragraphs to output. Outputting random text is fairly easy so to make this more fun our tool needs to produce somewhat authentic looking text. In order to do this our tool must follow these rules:
// Variables globales $enter = "<br>";
// La tabla ASCII tiene las minusculas desde el numero // 65 (A) hasta el 90 (Z) // 97 (a) hasta el 122 (z) function LoremIpsumGenWord($wordConf) { $largo = rand($wordConf["min"], $wordConf["max"]); $word = ""; for ($i=0; $i < $largo; $i++) { $word .= chr(rand(97, 122)); } return $word; }
//$len indica el largo máximo del string, ya no en palabras, sino en letras function LoremIpsumGenString($wordConf, $stringConf, $stringLen, $primer) { $largo = rand($stringConf["min"], $stringConf["max"]); $numLinea = 0; ($primer ? $string[$numLinea] = "Muspi Merol" : $string[$numLinea] = ""); for ($i=0; $i < $largo; $i++) { $word = LoremIpsumGenWord($wordConf); if($i===0 && !$primer) { $word = ucfirst($word); $espacio = ""; } else { $espacio = " "; } if(strlen($string[$numLinea] . $word) >= $stringLen - 1) { $string[$numLinea] = $string[$numLinea] . $GLOBALS["enter"]; $numLinea ++; $string[$numLinea] = $word; } else { $string[$numLinea] = $string[$numLinea] . $espacio . $word; } ($i > 1 ? $primer = false : ""); } $Nstring = ""; foreach ($string as $ln => $str) { $Nstring .= $str; } $Nstring .= "." . $GLOBALS["enter"]; return $Nstring; }
function LoremIpsumGenParagraph($wordConf, $stringConf, $stringLen, $paraConf) { $largo = rand($paraConf["min"], $paraConf["max"]); $para = ""; // Para el bonus 0 $primer = true; for ($i=0; $i < $largo; $i++) { $string = LoremIpsumGenString($wordConf, $stringConf, $stringLen, $primer); $para .= $string; $primer = false; } $para .= $GLOBALS["enter"] . $GLOBALS["enter"]; return $para; }
function LoremIpsumGenerator($paraCant) { $wordConf = ["min" => 1, "max" => 10]; $stringConf = ["min" => 3, "max" => 14]; $paraConf = ["min" => 3, "max" => 10]; $stringLen = 80; $loremIpsum = ""; for ($i=0; $i < $paraCant ; $i++) { $para = LoremIpsumGenParagraph($wordConf, $stringConf, $stringLen, $paraConf); $loremIpsum .= $para; } return $loremIpsum; }
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Anonymous - 10 years, 9 months ago
I've got a basic C++ workup here. Didn't go for the bonuses because it took an embarrassing amount of time to debug it. ''' #include<iostream> #include<cstdlib> #include<fstream> #include<cctype> #include<ctime>
using namespace std;
char genletter(int num1, int num2, int num3, int num4);
int main() { srand(time(NULL)); int slen(0), plen(0), wlen(0), nump(0); string paragraph(""), word(""), filename(""), sentence(""); cout<<"Enter the output file's name: "; cin>>filename; ofstream fout(filename.c_str()); cout<<"Enter the number of paragraphs to generate: "; cin>>nump; fout<<" Muspi Merol"; for(int i = 0; i < nump; i++) { plen = rand() % 3 + 3; paragraph = ""; for(int a = 0; a < plen; a++) { slen = rand() % 11 + 3; sentence = ""; for(int b = 0; b < slen; b++) { wlen = rand() % 10 + 1; word = ""; for(int c = 0; c < wlen; c++) { word.push_back(genletter(b, c, i, a)); } if(plen != 0) { sentence.append(" "); } sentence.append(word); if(b == slen - 1) { sentence.append("."); } } paragraph.append(sentence); } fout<<paragraph<<endl<<" "; } return 0; }
char genletter(int num1, int num2, int num3, int num4) { char random = 'a' + rand() % 26; if(num1 == 0 && num2 == 0 && num3 != 0) { random = toupper(random); } else if(num1 == 0 && num2 == 0 && num3 == 0 && num4 > 0) { random = toupper(random); }
return random; } '''
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Anonymous - 10 years, 9 months ago
C# all implemented.
and the Wrap function
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Max Burstein - 10 years, 9 months ago
Nicely done. Do you have a github account?
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