Happy Monday!
Today's problem is directly related to today's problem. What I mean by that is that your objective is to create a program that pings this website and alerts you when a new problem is posted. Alternatively if you subscribe to the daily/weekly e-mail you can can poll your e-mail account looking for new problems.
Really interested in seeing what everyone comes up with for this one.
Anonymous - 9 years, 11 months ago
C# quick and dirty console app
1 - http request to get the html for the Past Problems page
2 - parse out the list items containing the problem names
3 - check these names against a list of previous problems, if a new problem is found output it to the console and add it to the list.
4 - Sleep for 5 min and repeat.
Next step would be to store the previous problems in a file and also grab date added information.
Code :
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