Problem of the Day
A new programming or logic puzzle every Mon-Fri

The Text Between Pt. 2

Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend! Let's get this Monday started.

Building off of Thurday's problem let's create a function that returns all the text between two sets of parenthesis. Your function should return an array since there can be multiple sets of parenthesis in a string. Your function also shouldn't use any regex since we already did that last week :)



  • James - 10 years, 4 months ago

    Admittedly not my best work. Does not recursively parse nested parenthesis, and due to the static variables, it is not possible for the caller to implement that behavior him/herself. I should really pass a parse state structure into parse_parens(), but then I'd have to write psudo-constructor/destructor functions... This implementation diverges from the problem statement in that it does not return an array of strings. It must be called multiple times to achieve the desired effect. I wasn't sure what the problem meant by "two stets" of parenthesis, so I ignored the word "two". Text between mismatched parenthesis is ignored (one parenthesis does not make a set).

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    // Use 'parse_parens()' like 'strtok()'.
    // Input string is mutated by this function.
    char * parse_parens( char * input )
       static char * start_ptr  = NULL;
       char *        token      = NULL;
       char *        next;
       int           skip_paren = 0;
       if ( input != NULL )
          start_ptr = input;
       // Advance past the first open-paren.
       token = strchr( start_ptr, '(' );
       if ( token == NULL )
          goto EXIT;
       // Advance to the next paren.
       next = strpbrk( token, "()" );
       while ( next != NULL )
          // Handle nested parens.
          if ( *next == '(' )
          else if ( *next == ')' )
             if ( skip_paren > 0 )
                *next = '\0';
                break; // Success.
          next = strpbrk( next, "()" );
       // Detect mismatched parens.
       if ( next == NULL )
          token = NULL;
          goto EXIT;
       // Advance past the last close-paren.
       start_ptr = next + 1;
       if ( token == NULL )
          start_ptr = NULL;
       return token;
    int main( void )
       char * token;
       char   str[] = "This(is(a)test)string."
       token = parse_parens( str );
       while ( token != NULL )
          printf( "%s\n", token );
          token = parse_parens( NULL );
       return 0;

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  • Nick Krichevsky - 10 years, 4 months ago

    def between(s):
        indexes = {}
        i = 0
        j = len(s)-1
        while i!=-1:
            i = s.find('(',i)
            j = s.find(')',j)
            indexes[i]=j if j!=-1 else None
            i+=1 if i!=-1 else 0
            j-=1 if j!=-1 else 0    
        if -1 in indexes:
            del indexes[-1]
        substrings = []
        for item in indexes:
        return substrings
    print between('((hello))')

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  • Anonymous - 10 years, 4 months ago

    def text_between(text):
        open_indexes = [] # Used as stack, index of (s
        for ind, ch in enumerate(text):
            if ch == '(':
            elif ch == ')' and open_indexes: # Skip )s without a matching (
                opened = open_indexes.pop() + 1 # +1 to cut out (
                yield text[opened:ind]

    Should correctly match nested parentheses, probably the simplest it can go

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