Problem of the Day
A new programming or logic puzzle every Mon-Fri

2 Stacks 1 Queue

Let's try and take a different spin on yesterday's problem. Today's goal will be to implement a stack. Then using two instances of the stack you'll want to mimic the functionality of a queue. Thus your queue will have an enqueue and dequeue method but those methods will only use the push and pop functionality of your stacks.



  • Kevin Benton - 10 years, 8 months ago

    class Stack(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self._store = []
        def push(self, x):
            return self._store.append(x)
        def pop(self):
            return self._store.pop()
    class Queue(object):
        def __init__(self):
            self.instack = Stack()
            self.outstack = Stack()
        def __str__(self):
            return str(self.instack._store)
        def enqueue(self, x):
            return self
        def dequeue(self):
            # pour one stack into the other
            while True:
                except IndexError:
            # take the top
            top = self.outstack.pop()
            # pour it back and return the top
            while True:
                except IndexError:
                    return top
    myqueue = Queue()
    print myqueue.enqueue(5)
    print myqueue.enqueue(6)
    print myqueue.enqueue(7)
    print myqueue.enqueue(8)
    print myqueue.dequeue()
    print myqueue.dequeue()

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  • Adam - 10 years, 8 months ago

    This one's a bit more efficient, it doesn't need to pour the stacks into each other on each deque:

    class Queue():
        def __init__(self):
            self.instack = []
            self.outstack = []
        def enqueue(self, item):
        def dequeue(self):
            # First pop from the out stack if there's anything in there
            if len(self.outstack) > 0:
                return self.outstack.pop()
                # When it's empty, refill it from the in stack
                while True:
                    except IndexError:
            return self.outstack.pop()

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  • Anonymous - 10 years, 8 months ago

    "c suxx 2: eletric boogaloo"

    I'm not going to try to solve this problems with C anymore.

    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    #define STACK_OF_TYPE(type) \
    typedef struct __Node_##type { \
      struct __Node_##type *prev; \
      type value; \
    } Node_##type; \
    typedef struct __Stack_##type { \
      Node_##type* top; \
      size_t size; \
    } Stack_##type; \
    Stack_##type* stack_##type##_create() { \
      Stack_##type* result = malloc(sizeof(Stack_##type)); \
      result->top = NULL; \
      result->size = 0; \
      return result; \
    } \
    Node_##type* node_##type##_create(type value) { \
      Node_##type* result = malloc(sizeof(Node_##type)); \
      result->prev = NULL; \
      result->value = value; \
      return result; \
    } \
    void stack_##type##_push(Stack_##type* deque, type value) { \
      Node_##type* pushed = node_##type##_create(value); \
      if(deque->top == NULL) { \
        deque->top = pushed; \
      } else { \
        pushed->prev = deque->top; \
        deque->top = pushed; \
      } \
      deque->size++; \
    }  \
    typedef struct __Stack_##type##_result { \
      type value; \
      bool error; \
    } Stack_##type##_result; \
    Stack_##type##_result stack_##type##_pop(Stack_##type* deque) { \
      if(deque->top == NULL) { \
        Stack_##type##_result result = { .error = true }; \
        return result; \
      } else { \
        Node_##type* popped = deque->top; \
        deque->top = popped->prev; \
        type value = popped->value; \
        free(popped); \
        deque->size--; \
        Stack_##type##_result result = { value, true }; \
        return result; \
      } \
    } \
    type* stack_##type##_array(Stack_##type* deque) { \
      type* result = malloc(sizeof(type) * deque->size); \
      int count = 0; \
      for(Node_##type* n = deque->top; n != NULL; n = n->prev) { \
        result[count++] = n->value; \
      } \
      return result; \
    #define QUEUE_OF_TYPE(type) \
    typedef struct __Queue_##type { \
      Stack_##type* temp; \
      Stack_##type* real; \
      size_t size; \
    } Queue_##type; \
    Queue_##type* queue_##type##_create() { \
      Queue_##type *result = malloc(sizeof(Queue_##type)); \
      result->temp = stack_##type##_create(); \
      result->real = stack_##type##_create(); \
      result->size = 0; \
      return result; \
    } \
    void queue_##type##_enqueue(Queue_##type* queue, int value) { \
      stack_##type##_push(queue->real, value); \
      queue->size++; \
    } \
    typedef struct { \
      bool error; \
      int value; \
    } Queue_##type_result; \
    Queue_##type_result queue_##type##_dequeue(Queue_##type* queue) { \
      if(queue->size == 0) { \
        Queue_##type_result result = { .error = true }; \
        return result; \
      } \
        while(queue->real->size > 0) { \
        stack_##type##_push(queue->temp, stack_##type##_pop(queue->real).value); \
      } \
      Queue_##type_result result = { stack_##type##_pop(queue->temp).value, false }; \
      while(queue->temp->size > 0) { \
        stack_##type##_push(queue->real, stack_##type##_pop(queue->temp).value); \
      } \
      queue->size--; \
      return result; \
    } \
    type* queue_##type##_array(Queue_##type* queue) { \
      return stack_##type##_array(queue->real); \
    void print_queue_char(Queue_char* queue) {
      char* array = queue_char_array(queue);
      if(queue->size > 0) for(int i = 0; i < queue->size; i++) {
        printf("%c", array[i]);
    int main(int argc, char** argv) {
      Queue_char* queue = queue_char_create();
      queue_char_enqueue(queue, 'a');
      queue_char_enqueue(queue, 'b');
      queue_char_enqueue(queue, 'c');
      return 0;

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  • Adam - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Learning the state monad in Haskell:

    import Control.Monad.Trans.State
    newtype Stack a = Stack [a]
        deriving (Show)
    newtype Queue a = Queue (Stack a, Stack a)
        deriving (Show)
    newQueue = Queue (Stack [], Stack [])
    pop :: State (Stack a) (Maybe a)
    pop = state $ \(Stack xss) -> case xss of
        [] -> (Nothing, Stack xss)
        x:xs -> (Just x, Stack xs)
    push :: a -> State (Stack a) ()
    push x = modify $ \(Stack xs) -> Stack (x:xs)
    dequeue :: State (Queue a) (Maybe a)
    dequeue = state $ \q@(Queue (aStack, bStack)) ->
        case (runState pop bStack) of
            (Just x, newB)   -> (Just x, Queue (aStack, newB))
            (Nothing, origB) -> case (runState pop aStack) of
                (Just x, newA)   -> runState dequeue (transfer q)
                (Nothing, origA) -> (Nothing, q)
    enqueue :: a -> State (Queue a) ()
    enqueue x = modify $ \(Queue (aStack, bStack)) ->
        let newA = execState (push x) aStack
        in Queue (newA, bStack)
    -- transfer from in stack (a) to out stack (b)
    transfer :: Queue a -> Queue a
    transfer (Queue (aStack, bStack)) =
        case (runState pop aStack) of
            (Nothing, origA) -> Queue (origA, bStack)
            (Just x, newA) -> transfer $ Queue (newA, newB)
                where newB = execState (push x) bStack

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  • Bill Bejeck - 10 years, 8 months ago

    public class TwoStacks {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        QueueImpl queue = new QueueImpl();
        System.out.println("Adding 1,2,3 in order");
        System.out.println("Now getting from Queue expected order 1,2,3");
    private static class QueueImpl implements Queue<String> {
        private Stack<String> s1 = new Stack<>();
        private Stack<String> s2 = new Stack<>();
        private Stack<String> liveStack;
        private Stack<String> auxStack;
        private QueueImpl() {
            liveStack = s1;
            auxStack = s2;
        public void enqueue(String item) {
        public String dequeue() {
          return  liveStack.pop();
    private static interface Queue<T> {
         void enqueue(T item);
         T dequeue();


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