Problem of the Day
A new programming or logic puzzle every Mon-Fri

Making Change

With all the new crypto currencies coming out I think it's time we make our own currency. Since we have such a great community and marketing team our currency really takes off and becomes the official currency of a small large nation. The denominations of our currency are as such:

[0.03, .08, .33, .5, 2, 10, 50, 100]

If someone comes to our store and asks for change for a $10 note. How many different ways can we offer change for the $10 note assuming with have an infinite amount of all denominations of our currency?



  • Foppe - 10 years, 9 months ago

    #! /usr/bin/pyhton
    i = 0
    j = 0
    k = 0
    l = 0
    m = 0
    n = 0
    counter = 0
    v = [0.03, 0.08, 0.33, 0.5, 2, 10]
    for i in range(333):
        for j in range(120):
            for k in range(30):
                for l in range(20):
                    for m in range(5):
                        for n in range(1):
                            c = i * v[0] + j * v[1] + k * v[2] + l * v[3] \
                                + m * v[4] + n * v[5]
                            if c == 10 and  c % 1 == 0:
                                counter = counter + 1
                                print("%d * .03, %d * .08, %d * .33, %d * .5, \
                                    %d * 2, %d * 10" % (i, j, k, l, m, n))

    $ time python
    real    5m43.244s
    user    5m42.173s
    sys 0m0.620s

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  • Foppe - 10 years, 9 months ago

    The range function is not inclusive so you need to add 1 to everyone of this. The final grand total is 8937

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  • Max Burstein - 10 years, 9 months ago

    Definitely an interesting solution. Good stuff

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  • vick - 10 years, 9 months ago

    I've found a small typo in line "for j in range(120):"

    I think, it should be "for j in range(125 + 1):", since 10 / 0.08 = 125

    Thus, grand total is 8939.

    Thank you for the nice solution!

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  • Foppe - 10 years, 9 months ago

    The difference with the Haskell solution is due to rounding errors. When using integers I get the correct result 8954 with $10 <-> $10. Also I thought this would speed up a littlebit. #! /usr/bin/python

    i = 0
    j = 0
    k = 0
    l = 0
    m = 0
    n = 0
    counter = 0
    v = [3, 8, 33, 50, 200, 1000]
    for i in range(334):
        ii = i * v[0]
        for j in range(126):
            jj = j * v[1]
            for k in range(31):
                kk = k * v[2]
                for l in range(21):
                    ll = l * v[3]
                    for m in range(6):
                        mm = m * v[4]
                        for n in range(2):
                            nn = n * v[5]
                            c = ii + jj + kk + ll + mm + nn
                            if c == 1000:
                                counter = counter + 1
                                # You could add a print statement here if
                                # you want to see all solutions

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  • Foppe - 10 years, 9 months ago

    Optimization: By adding lines like for k in range(31): kk = k * v[2] if ii + jj + kk > 1000: # <- Added break # <- Added in all for loops this speeds up to $ time python 8954

    real    0m9.733s
    user    0m9.710s
    sys 0m0.010s

    That's from 7 minutes to 10 seconds.

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  • Foppe - 10 years, 9 months ago

    Formatted: for k in range(31): kk = k * v[2] if ii + jj + kk > 1000: # <- Added break # <- Added

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  • Anonymous - 10 years, 9 months ago

    Awesome stuff man.

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  • Max! - 10 years, 9 months ago

    In Wolfram Alpha : power series (1/((1-x^3)(1-x^8)(1-x^33)(1-x^50)(1-x^200)(1-x^1000)))

    Then expand terms till the 1000th coefficient and I see 8954 ways. Is my combinatorial equation incorrect? I wanted to find the right solution before trying to code it up.

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  • Apanatshka - 10 years, 9 months ago

    That sounds about correct. My program gives back 8953, because I filtered the solution where you give back the $10 note as change.

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  • Apanatshka - 10 years, 9 months ago

    Haskell implementation, not as trivial as I expected:

    import Data.List
    import Data.Ratio
    denominations = [3 % 100, 8 % 100, 33 % 100, 1 % 2, 2, 10, 50, 100]
    toChange = 10 :: Ratio Int
    making_change :: Ratio Int -> [Ratio Int] -> ([[(Int, Ratio Int)]], Int)
    making_change todo d = (map (\l -> zip l ds) lst, ans) -- go from large to small
        ds = dropWhile (>= todo) $ reverse $ sort d
        (lst, ans) = mc todo ds
        mc :: Ratio Int -> [Ratio Int] -> ([[Int]], Int)
        mc t (d:ds) = (concatMap fst tries, sum $ map snd tries)
            tries :: [([[Int]], Int)]
            tries = map (\(n,t') -> let (l,m) = mc t' ds in (map (n:) l,m)) possibles -- tries to use the other denominations to make change for the amount todo
            possibles = zip [0..] $ takeWhile (>= 0) $ scanl (-) t $ repeat d -- get a list of possible left over numbers
        mc t [] = if t == 0 then ([[]],1) else ([],0)
    answer = making_change toChange denominations
    main = print $ snd answer

    It prints 8953. If you write main = print $ fst answer you get the different ways in stead of the count.

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  • btgrant - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Using integers like the Haskel submission, here's a solution in Scala:

    def countChange(money: Int, coins: List[Int]): Int = {
      if (coins.isEmpty || money < 0)
      else if (money == 0)
      else {
        countChange(money - coins.head, coins) + countChange(money, coins.tail)
    val denominations = List(3, 8, 33, 50, 200, 1000)
    val changeFor = 1000
    println(countChange(changeFor, denominations))

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Content curated by @MaxBurstein