Today's challenge will require you to use a compiled language (ie not javascript, python, or ruby). The goal is to create the smallest program in that language that will compile and print out "Hello ProblemOTD".
Today's challenge will require you to use a compiled language (ie not javascript, python, or ruby). The goal is to create the smallest program in that language that will compile and print out "Hello ProblemOTD".
Content curated by @MaxBurstein
btgrant - 10 years, 1 month ago
In Scala, we can write:
This can be compiled:
scalac HelloPOTD.scala
... and then run:scala HelloPOTD
.Just in case it's not "cheating", we can get away with less if we write a Scala script:
This can be compiled and run:
scala HelloPOTDScript.scala
Both scenarios produce the prescribed output.
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Derek - 10 years, 1 month ago
Compile with
It gives a whole bunch of warnings, but #includes for standard functions, function type declarations and return statements are technically optional in C (at least the dialect that gcc understands)!
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Derek - 10 years, 1 month ago
FWIW, I'm sure there's a whole bunch of dirty black magic obfuscation tricks that could compress this even further. I'm not that ambitious.
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David - 10 years, 1 month ago
Since you highlight use of a compiled language, do you intend for the "smallest program" to refer to byte size of the compiled program or the character length of the code?
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