Problem of the Day
A new programming or logic puzzle every Mon-Fri

Smiley Face

Welcome back to another exciting week of Problem of the Day :)

Since Mondays are all about smiles we're going to make something that checks for them in a string. The goal for today will be to take in a string and return true or false if the parentheses in the string are closed properly (same number of opening and closing () not including smiley faces).

For instance:

Today (Monday) is a day all about smiles ( :) )

Weirdly formatted (strings (sometimes :) aren't easy :)) to read))



  • Carlos - 10 years, 8 months ago

    It doesn't say that it has to be in order so, i'll take that flaw in the text and use it has an advantage to create a simpler algorithm.

    private static int nLeft = 0;
    private static int nRight = 0;
    private static int nSmiley = 0;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    public static void testCase() {
        smileys("Today (Monday) is a day all about smiles ( :) )");
    public static void smileys(String s) {
        nSmiley = countOccurencesInString(s, ":)");   
        nLeft = countOccurencesInString(s, "(");
        nRight = countOccurencesInString(s, ")") - nSmiley;
        System.out.println(nLeft + " - " + nRight);
        if(nLeft == nRight) {
            System.out.println("TRUE - There's " + nSmiley + " smileys though...");
        } else {
            System.out.println("FALSE - There's " + nSmiley + " smileys though...");
    //Look ma... its recursive!!!
    private static int countOccurencesInString(String s, String c) {
        int x = 0;
        if(s.length() == 0) {
            return 0;
        if(s.endsWith(c)) {
            x += 1 + countOccurencesInString(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1), c);
        } else {
            x += countOccurencesInString(s.substring(0, s.length() - 1), c);
        return x;

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  • Anonymous - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Balanced parentheses, in C.

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdbool.h>
    bool has_balanced_parens(const char *string)
        int level = 0;
        for (char *p = (char *) string; *p != '\0'; p++) {
            switch (*p) {
            case '(':
            case ')':
                if (level < 0) return false;
            case ':':
                if (p[1] == ')') p++;
        return level == 0;
    int main()
        char *string1 = "Today (Monday) is a day all about smiles ( :) )";
        printf("%d\n", has_balanced_parens(string1));
        char *string2 = "Weirdly formatted (strings (sometimes :) aren't easy :)) to read))";
        printf("%d\n", has_balanced_parens(string2));

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  • btgrant - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Checking for balanced parens in Scala:

    def areParensBalanced(text: String): Boolean = {
      def countParens(chars: List[Char], index: Int, openPTotal: Int, closedPTotal: Int, pCount: Int): Boolean = {
        if (chars.isEmpty)
          if (closedPTotal == 0 && openPTotal == 0)
            pCount == 0 && (closedPTotal > openPTotal)
        else {
          if (chars.head == '(')
            countParens(chars.tail, index + 1, openPTotal + index, closedPTotal, pCount + 1)
          else if (chars.head == ')')
            countParens(chars.tail, index + 1, openPTotal, closedPTotal + index, pCount - 1)
            countParens(chars.tail, index + 1, openPTotal, closedPTotal, pCount)
      countParens(text.replaceAllLiterally(":)", "").toList, 1, 0, 0, 0)
    assert(areParensBalanced("Today (Monday) is a day all about smiles ( :) )"))
    assert(!areParensBalanced("Weirdly formatted (strings (sometimes :) aren't easy :)) to read))"))

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  • Anonymous - 10 years, 8 months ago

    And a short one in J.

    balancedparens=: monad define
      parens=. -/ '()' =/ ':)' delstring y
      (0 = +/ parens) *. (*./ 0 <: +/\ parens)
    balancedparens 'Today (Monday) is a day all about smiles ( :) )'  NB. => 1
    balancedparens 'Weirdly formatted (strings (sometimes :) aren''t easy :)) to read))'  NB. => 0

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  • Jt - 10 years, 8 months ago


    namespace ProblemOtd20140407
      using System;
      class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
          string checkString = "Today (Monday) is a day all about smiles ( :) )";
          checkString = "Weirdly formatted (strings (sometimes :) aren't easy :)) to read))";
          checkString = "Sometimes parenthesis ) may be in the wrong order ( those should fail too :).";
          Console.WriteLine("Finished, press enter to exit");
        public static bool CheckParens(string checkString)
          int parenCount = 0;
          checkString = checkString.Replace(":)", "");
          foreach (char c in checkString)
            if (c == '(')
            if (c == ')')
              if (parenCount < 0)
              { // We have a close paren before an opening
                return false;
          return parenCount == 0;

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  • Pyro - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Python solution with some extra stuff [Number of ( and ) when it fails and code break when ) doesn't have a ( on the left]

    def left_par(a):
        if a=='(':
            return True
    def right_par(a):
        if a==')':
            return True
    def smiley_eyes(a):
        if a== ':':
            return True
    sentence=raw_input("Introduce sentence\n")
    while n<m:
        if smiley_eyes(sentence[n]) and right_par(sentence[n+1]):
            if left_par(sentence[n]):
            if right_par(sentence[n]):
            if right_counter>left_counter:
                print "Error: ) with no couple found"
    if left_counter==right_counter:
        print "True"
        print "False"
        print "( = ", left_counter
        print ") = ", right_counter

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  • Hueho - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Dumb Ruby version:

    def check(str)
      open, closed, skip = 0, 0, false
      str.chars.each_cons(2) do |fst, snd|
        if skip
          skip = false
        if fst == '('
          open += 1
        elsif fst == ')'
          closed += 1
        elsif fst == ':' and snd == ')'
          skip = true
        return false if closed > open
      closed += 1 if str.chars.last == ')'
      return open == closed

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  • zifnab06 - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Well, that was fun, although this is slightly messy:

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  • Steven Braham - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Very simple python script I wrote:

    #(C) 2014 Steven Braham:
    sString = "Weirdly formatted (strings (sometimes :) aren't easy :)) to read))"
    #first get rid of the smiles
    sString = sString.replace(":)","")
    #if the number of ( and ) don't add up, the string is flawed
    iCountOpen =  sString.count("(")
    iCountClosed =  sString.count(")")
    if iCountClosed==iCountOpen:
        print "good"
        print "not good"

    I know it is way to simple, but I wanted to share it anyway

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  • Karl - 10 years, 8 months ago

    This is my bulky attempt in C# (comments on how to make it better / more efficient would be awesome! :-))

    using System;
    namespace ParentheSmiles
        internal class Program
            private static void Main()
                string strToCheck; //Define this now so we can loop back later
                Console.WriteLine("Enter a sentence and I'll tell you if it's valid or not");
            Loop: //Creates a checkpoint to loop back to (doesn't have to be called "Loop")
                strToCheck = Console.ReadLine();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(strToCheck.Trim()))
                    Console.WriteLine("You gotta give me something to work with!");
                    Console.WriteLine("The text supplied " +
                        (HasValidParens(strToCheck) ? "IS" : "is NOT") +
                        " correctly formatted!");
                goto Loop; //Accept another sentence
            //TODO: Have check for balanced parens (not sure best way to do this) e.g.: "()" vs ")("
            private static bool HasValidParens(string strText)
                int intLeftParen = 0, intRightParen = 0; //Declare counts
                string eyeList = ":;"; //:), ;), etc.
                string betweenList = "-'^"; //:-), :'(, :^), etc.
                for (int i = 0; i < strText.Length; i++) //Loop through chars
                    if ((strText[i] == '(' || strText[i] == ')') && //If current char is paren
                            (i >= 1 && eyeList.Contains(strText[i - 1].ToString())) || //:), ;), etc
                            (i >= 2 && betweenList.Contains(strText[i - 1].ToString()) && //:-), ;-), etc.
                                eyeList.Contains(strText[i - 2].ToString())
                        if (strText[i] == '(') { intLeftParen++; }
                        else { intRightParen++; }
                return (intLeftParen == intRightParen); //Return boolean value

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