Problem of the Day
A new programming or logic puzzle every Mon-Fri

Transposition Cipher

One example of a transposition cipher is columnar transposition. The cipher works like this:

  • Pick a keyword
  • Lay your message out character by character in rows the same length of your key
  • Extra room can be filled by random characters
  • Arrange the columns according to the value of the character in the key (eg. socket = 541326)
  • Arrange the columns into rows

Here is an example using the key "socket" and the message "canyouprogramthis":

s o c k e t
c a n y o u
p r o g r a
m t h i s t

noh ors ygi art cpm uat

"noh" corresponds to the 3 characters below the letter "c" in "socket". Alphabetically speaking, "c" comes before the other letters in the word "socket" so the letters underneath it go first in the encrypted message.

Today's goal is to create a function that takes in a key (socket) and an encrypted message (noh ors ygi art cpm uat) and outputs the unencrypted message (canyouprogramthis).

As a bonus problem see if you can figure out the key for this message:

heeilsef twkdaohe eensmtry



  • Daniel - 10 years, 8 months ago

    The fun thing about this is that the key just needs to be the same length as the number of 'words'. For example, the key for "heeilsef twkdaohe eensmtry" can be any 3 letter word where the second letter comes earlier in the alphabet than the first, and the last letter comes later than the previous two letters in the alphabet. The words 'sky' and 'try' both work as a key, and even the word 'key' does. I'll write up the code for this later on today.

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  • Max Burstein - 10 years, 8 months ago

    haha yes indeed. As you can see it's not a very secure means of encryption.

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  • Anonymous - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Fun problem. In J:

    decrypt=: dyad define
      , (/:^:2 x) {"1 |: > ' ' chopstring y
    'socket' decrypt 'noh ors ygi art cpm uat'  NB. => canyouprogramthist

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  • Max Burstein - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Any chance you could explain how that works? J seems like a magical language

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  • Anonymous - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Lol sure. decrypt is a function. Inside the function body, x and y represent the left and right argument passed to the function. J is read from right to left:

    ' ' chopstring y    chop ciphertext y into words using space as delimiter
    >                   unpack the individual words as rows of a matrix
    |:                  transpose the matrix

    The parenthesised expression on the left is

    /:^:2 x             twice "grade" the key x

    which yields 4 3 0 2 1 5, the ordered column indices that will "decrypt" the rows.

    Then, {"1 uses this "grade" to put every row of the matrix into the order 4 3 0 2 1 5. Finally, the comma strings the rows of the matrix together to yield the decrypted message.

    I'm just learning a little J for the giggles, sure bends the mind in a good way though :)

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  • Max Burstein - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Thanks for the explanation. It definitely is mind bending

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  • toph - 10 years, 8 months ago

    I'm just learning perl, but here we go. Also noticed that this only works if the key has unique letters, as "sockets" or "bookkeeper" you wouldn't be able to tell which of the same letters came first.

    my $key = "socket"; #<STDIN>;
    my $encrypted = "noh ors ygi art cpm uat"; #<STDIN>;
    my @groups = split ' ', $encrypted;
    my @key_letters = split '', $key;
    my %hash;
    my $i = 0;
    foreach my $letter (sort @key_letters) {
        $hash{$letter} = $groups[$i++];
    for($i = 0; $i < length $hash{'s'}; $i++) {
        foreach (@key_letters) {
            print substr($hash{$_}, $i, 1);

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  • Hueho - 10 years, 8 months ago

    # Code for ciphering
    # Create character matrix from text
    def matrixfy(text, len)
      desired = (text.size.to_f / len).ceil * len
      text.downcase.ljust(desired, "x").chars.each_slice(len).to_a
    # Convert to matrix, sort columns according to corresponding key characters
    def cipher(message, key)
      m = matrixfy(message, key.size).unshift(key.chars).transpose  
      m.sort_by! { |column| column.first }
      m.each { |column| column.shift }' ')
    # Code for deciphering
    # Pack array as hash where keys are elements and values are indexes
    def pack_as_hash(arr)
      result = {}
      arr.each_with_index { |e, i| result[e] = i }
    # Return array representing ordering
    def order(str)
      chars = str.chars
      new_order = pack_as_hash(chars.sort)
      chars.each_with_object([]) { |chr, result| result << new_order[chr] }
    # Reorder columns according to key
    def decipher(message, key)
      m = message.split(' ').map!(&:chars)
      o = order(key)
      r =
      o.each_with_index { |e, i| r[i] = m[e] }
    # Bruteforce and output results - due to how keys are used,
    # we just use permutations of a sequence of numbers from 1 to the key
    # length - we can find the key size just looking at the ciphered message
    def brute_force(message)
      len = message.split(' ').size
      keys = ('1'..len.to_s)
      keys.each_with_object({}) { |k, result| result[k] = decipher(message, k) }
    # Alternative way to cipher - meant to show that ciphering and deciphering
    # this way is pretty much opposite operations
    def alt_cipher(message, key)
      m = matrixfy(message, key.size).unshift(key.chars).transpose  
      o = order(key)
      r =
      o.each_with_index { |e, i| r[e] = m[i] }' ')

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  • Hueho - 10 years, 8 months ago

    Oops, last line on alt_cipher should be:' ')

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  • Hueho - 10 years, 8 months ago

    My bad.

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  • Adam - 10 years, 8 months ago

    A Haskell solution:

    module Main where
    import System.Environment
    import Data.List (elemIndex, sort, transpose)
    type Key = String
    type EncodedMessage = String
    type DecodedMessage = String
    main :: IO ()
    main = do
        args <- getArgs
        progName <- getProgName
        case args of
            [key, message] -> putStrLn . output $ decode key message
            _     -> putStrLn $ "Usage: " ++ progName ++ " key message"
        where output (Just decodedMessage) = decodedMessage
              output Nothing = "Invalid message or key"
    decode :: Key -> EncodedMessage -> Maybe DecodedMessage
    decode key input = do
        let columns = words input
        order <- orderKey key
        sortedColumns <- reorder columns order
        return $ concat . transpose $ sortedColumns
    -- eg. socket -> [4, 3, 0, 2, 1, 5]
    orderKey :: Key -> Maybe [Int]
    orderKey key = mapM orderChar key where
        orderChar c = elemIndex c sortedKey
        sortedKey = sort key
    reorder :: [String] -> [Int] -> Maybe [String]
    reorder inputs indices
        | all (< length inputs) indices =
            Just $ foldr reorder' [] indices where
                reorder' index accum = inputs !! index : accum
    reorder inputs indices
        | otherwise = Nothing

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  • Isi - 10 years, 8 months ago

    I made an encrypt script for this in python, which was really fun, but there was really no need to code anything to solve for "heeilsef....", since all the possible alternations of they key can be guessed by looking at the number of groups of N letters.

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  • gulliver - 10 years, 8 months ago

    A little late (the weekend is not almost here anymore) but here's my effort:

    import itertools
    import string  
    def solve_transposition_cipher(message, key):
        this decodes the message
        the message will have spaces in between words
        message_list = message.split()
        n_col = len(key)
        n_row = len(message_list[0])
        key_list = list(key)
        index_list = range(0,n_col)
        zipped = zip(key_list, index_list)
        zipped_list = sorted(zipped)
        decoded = [''] * (n_col * n_row)
        for i in range(n_row):
            for j in range(n_col):
                col_index = zipped_list[j][1]
                decoded[i*n_col+col_index] = message_list[j][i]
        print ''.join(decoded)
    def solve_unknown_message(message):
        message_list = message.split()
        n_col = len(message_list)
        possible_alphabet = string.lowercase[:n_col]
        possible_keys = list(itertools.permutations(possible_alphabet,n_col))
        for i in possible_keys:

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  • Byron - 10 years, 7 months ago

    I think its a little messy but it gets the job done :) Python!

    import math
    import random
    import string
    def EncryptMessage( aKey, aMessage ):
        concatStr = aKey + aMessage
        msgLength = aMessage.__len__()
        keyLength = aKey.__len__()
        matrixrows = math.ceil(msgLength / keyLength) + 1
        # The concat string has to be equal rows so we need to add filler #
        for x in range((keyLength - (msgLength % keyLength))):
            concatStr += random.choice(string.ascii_letters).lower()
        # Make the matrix to hold our values
        Matrix = [[ concatStr[x + (y * keyLength)] for x in range(keyLength)] for y in range(matrixrows)]
        # Get our cyphers
        cyphers = []
        # The cyper is made of a row of letters and we build it here
        for cols in range(keyLength):
             cyp = ""
             for rows in range( matrixrows ):
                 cyp += Matrix[rows][cols]
             # We want to ignore the first key value
             cyphers.append( cyp )
        # Now we sort the cypers using socket
        # Remove the socket letters
        for x in range(keyLength):
            cyphers[x] = cyphers[x][1:]
        return " ".join(cyphers)
    def DecryptMessage( aKey, encrypt):
        encryptLength = encrypt.__len__()
        keyLength = aKey.__len__()
        matrixrows = math.ceil( encryptLength/ keyLength)
        sortedKey = list(aKey)
        msgList = encrypt.split()
        #Add the key to the start of the list
        for x in range(keyLength):
            msgList[x] = sortedKey[x] + msgList[x]
        #Now we have to find the original place
        isSorted = False
        concatStr = []
        while not isSorted:
            isSorted = True
            for x in range(keyLength):
                for y in range(keyLength):
                    if msgList[x][0] == aKey[y] and x != y and msgList[x][0] != msgList[y][0]:
                        msgList[x], msgList[y] = msgList[y], msgList[x]
                        isSorted = False
        msgList = ''.join(msgList)
        for x in range(keyLength):
            for y in range(matrixrows):
                concatStr.append( msgList[(x * matrixrows) + y] )
        Matrix = [[ concatStr[(x * matrixrows)+ y] for x in range(keyLength)] for y in range(matrixrows)]
        return ''.join(str(Matrix))
    key = "BobbySimmons"
    message = "youwillnevergitthisoneiamsureofitifyoudoyouareagod"
    print("Key: " + key)
    print("Message: " + message)
    # First we encrypt the message
    encryptedMsg = EncryptMessage( key, message )
    print( "" )
    print( "-= Encryped Message =- " )
    print( encryptedMsg )
    print( "" )
    print( "-= Decryped Message =- " )
    decryptedMsg = DecryptMessage( key, encryptedMsg )
    print( ''.join(decryptedMsg) )

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Content curated by @MaxBurstein